Welcome on Endoplaza!
This website gives information about relevant instruments, materials, methods and handy tips which are applicable to current endodontics. You can also buy the products which are discussed.
Products mentioned in the text or in the product groups can be orderd.
On the left of the page you can click on the chapters with endodontic information, the product groups from the catalogue and the remaining links.
The website is divided into four chapters. These chapters are divided into subjects. More information will be given later. The following chapters are discussed:
- The primary endodontic treatment
- The endodontic retreatment
- Special treatments
- Endodontics step by step
In the menu on the left you can navigate to the first page of each chapter.
You can click on text printed in bold type. You will get more information concerning the subject.
To make things easier, most of the endodontic products can be ordered immediately.
In the text you will see products which you can order via the shopping-basket  . You can also go to the product catalogue to the left of this page.
This website will be updated regulary. Your reactions will be appreciated.
For remarks and questions you can go to the Endoplaza Forum. Each visitor of this website can react or discuss subjects which you see on the site. When you ask for advice, you will get replies from experienced collegues. For specific questions you can send an e-mail to  .
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AH26, Asphaline, Anamnese, Apex locator, Operating microscope, Special treatments, burs, bur, C-shaped canal,CA(OH)2,Calciumsulfate, Carrier guttapercha, Obturator, rubberdam, rubberdam clasp, perforations, perforation, Diamond bur, EDTA, Faradic test, Endo paro problem, Endodontic retreatment,Fiber optic light, Fine ultrasonic tips, Fistela, Fracfinder, Fracture, fractures, Fraise, Gates Glidden Drills, Glyde,GT Obturators, Guttapercha, Guttaperchapistole, Guttaperchapoint,Guttaperchapoints,Handpluggers, Handfiles, transmetal bur, Heatcarrier, Hedström file,Informed consent,IRS system, clasp, cold test, X-ray,Lightsource, LN-burs, Messing gun, Methylene blue, MTA Pro Root, NiTi files, Obtura II, Obturapistole, Open apex, OPMI, Orifice Shapers, Paperpoint, Pasta/cement,Perforations, Plugger, Primairy endodontic treatment, Pro Root (Mineral Trioxyde Aggregate), Profile, Protaper,Pulptester, RC Prep, round bur, Rubberdam, Sealapex, Sealer, SoftCore, Solitaire pocket, Split dam technique, Spreaders, BoneGen, SX-vijlen Protaper,System B, Test, faradic, cold, Warm, Thermafil, temporary root canal filling, Ultrasonic tips, Ultrasone files (EMS),Ultrasonic apparate, file, Warm test, Wetjets, root canal cement