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Rubber dam

Why placing rubber dam:

  • protection of the patient against aspiration/swallowing of instruments, medicaments and irrigation liquids
  • a clean treatment area (the patient cannot contaminate anything)
  • hiding and protecting soft tissue
  • better sight ( mirror doesn’t steam up)
  • improved efficiency (the patient cannot rinse and cannot talk)
  • protection dentist (judicial)
Sometimes it’s sensible to make the endodontic opening before the rubber dam has been placed. A good view of the contour and the position of the radix can help to prevent that a perforation will be made.

With the rubber dam clamp forceps the clamp is put on the element concerned and then the rubber dam is pulled over it. The use of a little bit of hibiscrub as a lubricant has a very pleasant effect and is almost always at hand.

Rubber dam should be new and should have not been stored for too long, otherwise it will tear too easily. The area around the hole made with the rubber dam punches should be greased so that it can be placed better round the element and the clip (hibiscrub, shaving soap or a little Vaseline would suffice).

Ways to place rubber dam:
  1. Clamp) on the tooth and pull the rubber dam over the clamp.
  2. Then, place the rubber dam round the tooth and the clamp.
  3. Hole in rubber dam falls round the bow of the clamp. The clamp is placed on the tooth. The rubber dam is pulled over the wings of the clamp.
  4. Split dam technique. An oval hole is made in the rubber dam (so that the rubber dam can be pulled over both adjacent elements of the element in question. This is done if there is sufficient tooth material available over the gums.
Obviously, a minimum set of rubber dam clamps should be available.

Further tools to make setting of the rubber dam more comfortable:
  • Wetjets to keep the rubber dam under the contact point
  • Liquid rubber dam to prevent leakage
  • Dental floss to get rubber dam beyond a contact point

From this page you can order in our web shop

  • Operating microscope
  • Rubber dam
  • KRubber dam clamp
  • Rubber dam clamp forceps
  • Rubber dam frame
  • Rubber dam frame
  • Mirror

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